January 17, 2011

Amazing surroundings....

Let me start this post with news that most of you probably already know... we are having a GIRL!!!!  We are so thrilled and couldn't be more thankful for this incredible blessing!  A daughter... WOW!  A word I have always wanted to say!  We will be bringing her into a world where we are as a family surrounded by the most amazing people!  We have such an incredible family, thoughtful & caring friends, a wonderful & supportive church group and just all around glorious people surrounding our lives!  We have family who always help us when needed, support us when we need it and love us unconditionally! Friends you are there for us and are first in line to jump in and give to us!  God knew exactly who and what we would need in our lives and He has blessed us with exactly that!  We are so grateful for each and everyone one of you!!!!!

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